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Assessment and Advisory


Patient Experience Strategy

Patient Experience Strategy- Review of current state strategy and related data, and partner with executive leadership to develop or refresh your strategy to provide the desired value to your patients, providers, staff, and mission. Bring the improvement work down to the department and team level to build engagement and ownership.

Patient and Family Advisor

Patient and Family Advisor participation can be developed, or existing advisors utilized to ensure the voice of the customer is a key voice to shape improvement initiatives and processes.

Customer Experience Observations

Customer experience observations offered to provide feedback on first impressions of your facility from the website, telephone interaction, to your front door. In person patient and team shadowing interaction observations for awareness and coaching teams.





Provider and Employee Engagement

Provider and employee engagement and wellness- engage teams to identify stressors, bottlenecks, and areas of waste and rework. Areas that impede the care that providers and teams want for their patients and are not working smoothly to support the patient and provider. 

Workflow Assessment

Workflow assessments and process improvement- utilizing Lean Six Sigma tools review workflows, systems and opportunities for easier patient and team interactions.  Prioritize opportunities that provide the most value for your key customers.








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